How to avoid common cold and flu this monsoon? Here the 5 Tips | Gokhru Powder

With the Rainy season knocking on the door, common cold & flu is also not far behind. Here we bring you 5 simple ways to keep the flu at bay.

The common cold is the most common viral infections that one comes easily. One person catches a cold in a house and then the entire family falling ill. The slightest change in weather and people tend to catch a common cold.

As we heard Prevention is better than cure, so we bring you the simplest ways to keep the monsoon flu away

 1.         Eat Healthily-

It is recommended that your diet should include all the nutrition. Yes, fruits and green vegetables are packed with nutrition, vitamins and fibres, so intake of these in daily in your diet helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep you live longer.

2.    Drink Green Tea-

Green tea is the gold mine for antioxidant. It work as a Immunity Booster. You can add ginger in your green tea drink to prevent any kind of viral and cold-flu.

3.    Vitamin- D

Deficiency of Vitamin D can weaken your immune system which will make you more susceptible to the common cold-flu. Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D. To add Vitamin D in your diet, you can eat Eggs, Fatty fish like salmon and Tuna along with Cheese.

4.    Maintain Hygiene

Viral Infection such as cold & flu are highly contagious, so maintaining hygiene is necessary during this common rainy season. Keep washing your hand, take a regular bath and try to avoid contact with people who have the flu.

5.    Eat Gokhru Powder daily-

Gokhru is Indian ancient herb that can cure any kind of viral infection. Daily Intake of Gokhru can prevent you from flu in this rainy season. You can take it, in the powder form.


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